Image shows three non-binary neurodivergent people smiling and talking, two of the people are sitting on chairs, one enjoying popcorn and one on the floor drinking tea. There is a laptop in front of them suggestive of them looking at ND Perspective

ND Perspective

Supporting Our Neurodivergent Community to Achieve Career Success!

ND Perspective is an online community and learning platform hosted by Mighty Networks. The community provides a space for neurodivergent people (dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, autism etc) and supporters (employers, therapists, coaches etc.) to connect and learn about neurodiversity related topics together!

ND Perspective Community Service Offerings:

At ND Perspective Community we facilitate community resource sharing, Access to Work support, bi-weekly bitesize training on topics related to work and wellbeing and a monthly community discussion (the topic of which is voted on by our community). 

  • Community Resource Sharing: Head to our community resource sharing space to share useful resources with other community members. 

  • Community Insights: Throughout our community platform we discuss and debate topics related to work and wellbeing. Every month we hold a zoom discussion on a ND related topic, voted for by our ND community. 

  • WWB Bite-Size Training: Our bi-weekly training includes helpful tips, strategies and supports for maintaining work-life balance from an ND perspective.  

  • Access to Work Grant Guidance: Our Access to Work guidance supports you to navigate the Access to Work Grant, from first application through to challenging assessor decisions and how to action a complaint. 

Coming Soon...

Webinars (pay as you go): Summer 2024 will see the launch of our live and pre-recorded on-demand webinars, share training on neurodiversity for practitioners, employers and supporters of neurodivergent people, in addition to providing work and wellbeing sessions tailored to the needs of our neurodivergent community. 

ND 101 "Exploring Neurodiversity" Course: This CPD accredited course consists of eight modules that explores neurodiversity in relation to work and wellbeing, embracing all that is unique about how different people think. Throughout this course you will learn about neuro-trait strengths and the types of supports, accommodations and organisational adjustments that could be implemented to best support neurodivergent people in work (due for release January 2025). 

Aesthetic arty photo of large green leaf. There is a segment of the leaf missing and you can see a female's eye (eye colour blue with a hazel inner ring).

‘‘Different thinkers contribute necessary skills and unique perspectives to the workplace. However, for our neurodivergent community to reach their full potential a nurturing environment that provides understanding, tailored supports, and wellbeing focused strategies is required’’

Jessica Dark (Founder of ND Perspective)